The Ancient Future Comes to Life

Venus Day blessings. The Sun and Mercury are fully immersed in Sagittarius, alongside Vesta and the South Node. Therefore this is a time for our communication, devotion, and passions to align with how we may expand and explore our highest consciousness, while allowing the outdated paradigms to recede back to the Earth. After what feels like ages deep within the abyss, the next Eclipse, which is aligned for most of the world on Saturday, December 4th, is seeking to elevate each one of us, and in turn bring us through a starry journey to the center of the Void.

As I spoke about in episode 41 of my podcast Stars, Stones, and Stories the Total Solar Sagittarius Eclipse is conjunct the Great Attractor. This alone is quite profound astrology, which is followed up with the Gemini Full Moon which directly opposes the Galactic Center. In my humble opinion, this is astrology to feel positively optimistic about, despite what any naysayer may express.

For instance, I have been traveling extensively in Egypt for the past four years, and I could share much about these pilgrimages and the impact they have had on me personally, professionally, and academically. On a subtle level as a woman who has been consciously tracking the Goddess since my teenage years, what I have felt from this Land is that a great feminine force that has been deeply asleep for thousands of years is rising from the cradle of civilization. Yesterday, a historic event occurred in celebration of the opening of the Avenue of the Sphinx in Luxor. This ancient walkway is over 3,000 years old and was once known as the 'Path of God' stretching for nearly 2 miles from Karnak Temple to Luxor Temple.

The festival honored many layers including the Opet festival, however, what I witnessed was a complete ceremonial temple activation that is a magnetic blessing for all of Kemet, and thereby the entire Earth. The power of the feminine was honored, and if you have any interest in Egyptian culture, I would urge you to watch this experience. It was phenomenal. To me this exemplifies the power of this Eclipse portal we are currently traveling through as the Ancient Future comes to life.

Sagittarius Season offers a great season of expansion and for many around the world, a festival of Holy Days are celebrated regardless of belief systems. We are in the midst of two Eclipses at this time, which is truly a timebending moment of an Eclipse portal. Let's traverse timebending and the Solar Eclipse in my latest podcast (btw, at the time of this writing, my podcast hosting site seems to currently be down. . .so you can always tune in via my website, on spotify or itunes).

I invite those of you who identify as woman to circle up for the virtual Women's Wisdom Sagittarius Dark Moon Council. We will dive deep into the astrology of the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius which is in my humble opinion offering the most profound gateway of rebirth, renewal and rematrixing as we close out 2021. Also, If you missed the Dark Goddess Masterclass and wish to journey through this transmission, you are welcome to access the experience here.

You may follow this link to schedule your private session with me as we culminate 2022. I have limited availability as I will be away on pilgrimage for the majority of December. Let's dive into your cosmic blueprint so that you may make the most of these times.

As we are in the time of the priest, the priestess, the seeker, and the eternal pilgrim, the invitation is to go to your altars, your Ancestors, and most importantly the sanctuary of your heart to anchor within. These Eclipses are preparing us for what is to come in 2022. Let's dive into this episode Super Magnetic Eclipse Portal. . .