Bringing Truth to Light

Venus Strawberry Sagittarius Full Moon blessings to you. With Venus retrograde conjunct the Gemini Sun, both opposing the Sagittarius Full Moon, this entry into Eclipse season is beyond potent. Personally, I've been feeling this Eclipse for over a week now, and have literally had my life shaken upside down with an intense move. Eclipses come in cycles, and I was reminded that nine years ago I moved from Los Angeles to Maine when my daughter was just five months old. It shook me awake in many ways.

Each one of us is being shaken awake in these times. I've just release episode 3 of Stars, Stones, and Stories, Overarching Astrology of 2020: Cultural Renaissance and the collapse of the world as we have known it, and invite you to have a listen. In this episode we explore the astrology of 2020 as a whole, how you may assist in overcoming oppression, and how the sistrum is shaking humanity awake in these times. We conclude with an ancestral healing meditative journey.

The asteroid goddess Ceres (Mother Earth herself), Mars, and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces, so this is a time where discernment is more key than ever. Today's lunar eclipse is mighty powerful, so utilize this frequency to work with the Otherworld. 

I stand in solidarity with all people of color around the world who have been further traumatized by the violence and murder of George Floyd, and countless others. I have been grieving deeply for the continued attempts at silencing the voices that we need to hear loudly and clearly.

The systems of oppression are gasping for their last breath, and the astrology of 2020 demonstrates this. It is up to each one of us as individuals to commune with our Ancestors and the Otherworld to pull forth genius solutions. We cannot solely operate at the level of 3d reality. It is time to fully activate our 5d+++ potentials. The path ahead requires each one of us to dive deeper into the work to dismantle the systems of oppression. Although I have been quiet on social media this past week, my silence is not a form of violence, instead it was a much needed respite after a heavy move. I will be picking back up once I am fully centered and grounded. 

Hold to the fact that you are limitless.