Imbolc: the Gate of Emergence

We all feel the pulse and importance of this brand new year and decade. When we lean into our dharma, our destiny, we are finding authentic ways to serve the greater whole. This Call to serve the greater whole is imperative as we walk further into the Age of Aquarius. 

As the Wheel of the Year turns from Winter Solstice to the season of Imbolc, our inner creative fires are stoked. Imbolc is a great stirring in the belly of the Mother.  This great stirring awakens the promise of all hope, potential, and creativity. Tomorrow we welcome calendar Imbolc, and Solar Imbolc comes February 3. Imbolc rules the ambrosial hours the yogis deemed sacred for meditation and deep subconscious clearing, from 3-6 am.

The Celtic Triple Fire Goddess Brigid marks her magic this time of year, also known as Brida, Bride, and Brigit. She with her flaming arrow, a goddess of fertility, the goddess of the hearth, poetry, smithcraft, sacred wells, and healing offers vitality, preparing each one for renewal. For me, Brigid conjures the ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet as they both have a deep connection to the purification by fire and authentic truth. 

Imbolc is a wonderful season to sift through, to clear out, to let go of anything that no longer serves. Traditionally, this was a time to take stock of the pantry, and to prepare for the Spring to come. Given this new decade, if there is anything you are holding to that is weighing you down, may you use Imbolc as a time to shed. You may even write down concepts, beliefs, and ancestral blocks, burning them in a sacred fire. This is a phenomenal time to sweep, dust, and air out on all levels, namely the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.  

I invite you to follow the link below to connect to a simple guided ritual for this portal of the Wheel of the Year.

In addition, I invite those in the Asheville area to circle up tomorrow night from 7-9 pm at West Asheville Yoga for an offering I crafted for this special time of year. In this workshop we will delve into the magick of Imbolc and how to use this to cull forth your intuition and creativity with specific kundalini meditations. This workshop is intended for all, however has a specific resonance to support artists of all kinds. We will utilize astrology, kundalini meditation, mantra, and gong sound healing. All levels and all abilities are always welcome.

I am so grateful to weave alongside you in these sacred times. Thank you for being a part of this community. A week from tomorrow, I will be back on the sacred land of Kemet, walking in ceremony in sisterhood. If you have any prayers you would like carried to this profound starseed portal, please know you may reply to this email and I will bring them alongside many other offerings.