The Great Turning: Welcome to the Ancient Future Age of Aquarius

This Venus Day is most potent as we are blessed with Mercury Cazimi on the Galactic Center, meaning that today Mercury and the Sun meet up at 27° Sagittarius which is in the heart of the Galactic Center. The GC is 25,000 light years away, at the center of the Milky Way and over 2,000 light years wide.

This means our Sun, our purpose and sense of self, along with the our gateway to new thoughts, ideas, and realities marry in the great cosmic womb of the Milky Way post Solar Eclipse and just prior to the Great Conjunction. This is truly interstellar astrology. May you step into the Mystery with a wide, open heart.

The astrology of these Holy Days is beyond immense, and you may be wondering how to move through it in the highest of ways. With regards to quantum physics there are seven simple things that affect your vibration that you have the complete authority to alter in any given moment. To lift your vibration you may check your thoughts, surround yourself with the company of those whom uplift you, carefully select what sounds and visual elements you bring into your sphere, including the direct atmosphere and vibration of your place. Treat your word as gold; say what you mean, when you mean it. And finally, offer and give gratitude freely.

I'm super stoked to share with you part 2 of the Great Conjunction, episode 17 of my podcast: The Great Turning. Listener's note, I was traveling for most of the recording, so the sound quality is not on par with my usual episodes. Please give grace!

If you wish to learn about your current astrological curriculum as we near 2021, email me direct to book a session. As of now I have booking available from 12/26 onwards. I'm also now offering gift cards if you wish to share my services with a beloved during this season of the Holy Days. These digital gift cards are timeless in a multitude of ways.

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In episode 17 of Stars, Stones, and Stories we explore the astrology of the later half of December 2020, explore the potency of Winter Solstice, also known as Yule and the prominence of the Cancer Full Moon which closes out the year of 2020. We explore part 2 of the Great Conjunction with depth and width. I am so in love with this astrology, as for me it weaves in a very personal way. This is juicy and culminates with ritual ideas for the Great Conjunction and a guided meditation to visit the Earth’s Akasha and holy spaces. Let's dive in together. . .