2020 Lightcodes pouring forth ✨✨✨

Welcome to the freshness of this new year, this new decade. 2020 lightcodes are pouring forth from the Otherworld for your personal and lineage liberation. 2020 is going to be a highly spiritual year for each one of us, particularly those of us who are starseeds.

In 2020 we are anchoring to our Earthliness. We are claiming our true essence. We we are required to step into our leadership now more than ever. Each one of us must wake up to our divinity. We must learn to broadcast our home frequency.  We are stretching to the height of our beingness. This work is massive.

However it is up to each one of us to ground these currents through our bodies and into the Earth. Both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are receiving their next levels of healing. Each one of us is highly essential in the shaping of the collective consciousness. Each one of us is needed now, more than ever before.

The Capricorn Cancer Eclipse portal is upon us and next Friday we will experience the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is Cancer. We are healing the Motherline in a very particular way right now, as the Feminine is rising to new heights.

Eclipses are dramatic wild cards, they shake us awake, bringing sudden endings and fresh new beginnings.  They assist us in leveling up fast, they uproot us, surprise us while pushing us in the direction of our highest evolution. Visit the link below to watch a video I made for you on how to thrive in any Eclipse season.

Emotions are bound to come up to be cleared in this particular Eclipse portal. Find healthy outlets to shed. You may also experience old pains or injuries in the physical body hindering your sense of comfort. This is happening so that the old traumas may come out of your bodies.  Allow these to clear by drinking lots of water, taking hot salt baths, taking cold showers, dancing, walking, and journaling. We are more than one body, as many traditions state.  For example, in Kundalini technology we are eleven bodies, while in Ancient Egyptian technology we are seven bodies.

We’ve entered a new year, a new decade, and yes, a new paradigm. January is a powerhouse of a month to begin this new year, and the astrology is massive. The day after the Cancer Lunar Eclipse, the 1:11 portal of infinite creation opens. The following day, January 12th, is one of the most important transits of 2020 that astrologers have been discussing for the past few years--the Saturn Pluto conjunction.

This astrology demands commitment. Now is the time to focus on what we are building, what we are growing, what we are creating. Foundations must be solid, a daily practice must be vital.

You may join me every week for class at West Asheville Yoga for Kundalini yoga, meditation, and gong sound healing.  Click this link to stay up to date on my current events. Kundalini Yoga is a tradition i’ve been steeped in for over two decades and I believe it is an essential remedy for these times. All levels and all abilities are always welcome to join in any of my offerings. Come as you are, there is no arrival point, there is no perfection. 

I close this week's Venusian Love Notes with a simple ritual to honor all of the Capricorn frequencies in this New Year of the Earth.  Write down your visions and dreams for 2020 with natural paper and ink.  Go outside on your land or somewhere that feels sacred to you, bringing offerings you resonate with such as flowers, honey, milk, sesame seeds, stones, cornmeal or tobacco.  Dig a small hole, and press your hands into the Earth.  State your name, and speak with Mother Earth about your intentions.  Place your paper in the Earth and cover with some of your offerings and the freshly dug dirt.  Cover over the space with your offerings and give thanks.