We need your medicine more than ever ✨

These times we live on Earth seem to be some of the most important in the story of humanity. We have each done such significant evolutionary work this year of 2019. The astrology of September encourages us to stay the course, being anchored to the Earth while calling to the High Heart and our unique destinies, particularly because the collective North Node is conjunct Sirius throughout September.

In ancient Egypt Sirius was called Sopdet. She is a celestial goddess, the brightest visible star, only outshone by Venus. The Sirius teachings are of a high caliber, offering deep love and elevation of consciousness for Earth. With the Sirian codes we have the potential for true soul awakening, spiritual gifts, and to be of Divine Service.

The Ancient Egyptian calendar was based on lunar cycles of about 30 days and the heliacal rising of Sirius, as the Nile flood was timed by the cycles of this Star. As we continue to dance with many of the personal planets in Virgo, who is an archetype of the Great Celestial Mother, a goddess who carries vision, healing, and fertility, we have the ability to build our personal destinies in these times.

I invite you to think back to the Leo New Moon, to the Lion's Gate portal and the seeds of the Virgo New Moon. Call upon your ancestral team for protection and support as you continue your cosmic evolution, giving offerings on behalf of this important work.

Although I do not share this openly, I consciously call Sirius in all of my offerings. As I find myself at the threshold of pilgrimage, I am exploring this connection deeper than I ever have, and knowing the conjunction with Sirius, I truly feel pulse of the power that is available to each one of us on Earth at this time.

We are dissolving outdated paradigms while anchoring radical changes. As I wrote during Midsummer, these are times where spiritual courage is essential. May you find your way through with ease and grace, knowing that we need you and your medicine more than ever.