Jupiter in Capricorn: Sanctify the profane

We are embodying the phoenix, as each one of us has danced with the dragon currents, stirring beneath the Earth in these times. We had a powerful New Moon on Tuesday and if you have yet to craft your intentions, the moon is waxing and there is still time. This past Sagittarius New Moon with Jupiter on the Galactic Center was really asking us to seed the dreams, the full expansive vision for the next one, five, ten, twenty, fifty years to come.

We are in a time where we are being asked to sanctify the profane. This human life, is asking each of us starseeds to draw down the expansive wisdom of the collective consciousness and the blessings from the Otherworld, to anchor these to Earth. This is a mighty call. And we are still very much in the cauldron of transformation as we close out 2019, looking to 2020.

Jupiter will ingress into Capricorn on Monday December 2nd at 1:21 pm EST, traveling under the guise of the architect of the zodiac, who is ruled by the Lord of Time and Karma, otherwise known as Saturn. This next year with Jupiter in Capricorn, is asking each one of us to build our spiritual maturity like never before. It is likely that those who have been committed to the Work are going to see some major growth rooting into this world.

Jupiter will travel through Capricorn for most of 2020 until the Winter Solstice, where Jupiter and Saturn will meet up in the Great Conjunction. I spoke about this in a workshop I recently gave and will go into greater depth on the 12:12 workshop that travels through the signs and houses of these major transits.

Essentially on Winter Solstice 2020, we are pressing a reset button, initiating a Cultural Renaissance. Each and every action we engage in moving forward creates the landscape. Now is the time to align every single one of our actions with our value systems. How we spend our time and money is an expression of our deep seeded beliefs, demonstrating to the multiverse that which we wish to experience more.

A Call is beckoning to 8 Queens who are ready to fully embody their royal courage in February 2020. We will travel to Kemet to meet the elementals of the Land, receive ancient otherworldly temple transmissions, and step fully into pyramid consciousness so that the activations prime each womxn for an interstellar and most potent 2020. This Call is for womxn who are seeking support and accountability as they architect their Queendom, utilizing Egypt as a platform of power for greater leadership. There are six spaces available at our roundtable at this time. Email me direct if you are awakening to the Call.

May you rise like the phoenix.