Connecting with Ancestors is a Superpower

Welcome to Ancestor season.  We are officially in the portal of Samhain as Sunday's Scorpio New Moon ushered in Lunar Samhain.  Calendar Samhain occurs each year with All Hallow's Eve, also known as Halloween. Solar Samhain meets when the Sun is at 15° Scorpio, this year on November 7th.  

As I am writing this, Venus has just ingressed into Sagittarius, lightening up the cosmic weather.  Mercury officially stationed retrograde in Scorpio yesterday, giving us an opportunity to revisit that which comes to the surface three times, as Mercury will retrace his steps all the way back to 11 degrees.  Next to Venus, I have a strong affinity for Mercury, as I have so much Gemini and Virgo energy in my cosmology.  Mercury is the psychopomp, one who travels between the realms, relaying messages and information.  Mercury is Hermes, Thoth, Merlin. . .and through these beings we are able to truly feel into the potential of power with this guide.  Mercury is a powerful teacher, and retrogrades are truly misunderstood.   

Mercury retrograde is a beautiful time of year that creates space for rebirth and renewal.  In Scorpio, we are pulled deep into the abyss of the psyche.  With this particular Mercury retrograde coinciding in Ancestor season of Samhain, we truly have an opportunity to receive many gifts from this retrograde.  This is an ideal time to tap into the senses, to divine, to ultimately listen to your own highest wisdom.  Allow your voice to come front and center.  This retrograde is the time to claim personal power, to claim sovereignty. 

As Jupiter in Sagittarius is near completion of his journey through his home sign, we are encouraged to focus on projects we've been working on, staying committed to the process despite any setbacks.  This particular portal of shedding and letting go takes us from the Scorpio New Moon to the dark moon before the Capricorn Solar Eclipse on December 26th.  I believe the astrological currents are asking us to get sober about our lives, to take stock, to grieve, to shed, to let go of that which is calling for closure, and to listen, to deeply listen.

As a gift, I am sharing with you a lecture and class I gave this past Wednesday on how to utilize the energies of our current cosmic weather in preparation for 2020.  You may visit this link:    

in the Gate of Samhain

Samhain is such a beautiful time of year, when the Veil to the Otherworld is thin and permeable. Our Ancestors are our bridge to connecting with the beings of the Otherworld. Which means being in right relationship with them is essential. This is an excellent time to connect with your Ancestors, even if this process is totally new to you. In fact, connecting with your Ancestors is a superpower.

As we have the backing of our Ancestors we carry a frequency that is actually limitless. One of the most revolutionary actions we could take at this time is to have strong, healthy ties to our Ancestors.

In honor of Ancestor season, I have been crafting new medicine for you and your lineage, Ancestral Hearth Healing bundles. However, as Mercury retro would have it, I am still needing to finalize a few details, so expect to learn more about them in the next few days through my website, social media, and perhaps a short note in your inbox.

Based off of the amazing feedback I got from the lecture I gave at the Illuminate Expo, next week I'll also be sharing a dive deep into the astrology of 2020 with a virtual workshop that will be given in two different installments on 11/11 and 12/12. These workshops will go into more details than what I could share in 35 minutes, and may be taken as a stand alone or as a pair. More to come!

May you embrace the endings in your life with grace. The truth is, you stand upon a legion of giants, and genius solutions are available, particularly when called upon.