Seeding the Solstice Dream

Wild Star,

Guardian you are invited to step into the stillness, the Sacred and the Holy this Solstice by stepping into the mystery within Seeding the Solstice Dream, episode 104 of my podcast Stars, Stones and Stories by visiting this link.

This is a special episode to weave with you as the Wheel of the Year is rebirthed on this New Moon Solar Gate. 

As I mentioned in my last love note to you, the very mass of your physical body was once stardust. From hydrogen to human, you are a pure consciousness evolution. You are a tiny candle of light in a sea of vast darkness. Dream your new future and generate feelings of eternal love.


Perhaps you are curious about what the cosmos have in store for you in 2024? This upcoming Jupiter day, aka Thursday the 28th of December, I will teach the 2024 Masterclass live from 12-3:30 pm EST. You may follow this link to register to attend live and participate in the Q+A.


In this masterclass you will discover the secrets of the stars in 2024, the mythic medicine of the dragon and mineral kingdom and how all of this will impact your life, tribe and the world at large.  I've made the time of this offering from 12-3:30 pm EST in hopes that many of you in various parts of the world may join in live, and be able to contribute to the Q+A. You may discover more at this link.

I invite you to celebrate with Mona Bhalla in winning a complimentary 30 minute 1:1 astrological divination on this Solstice pull!!! I always love reconnecting with you all through the spiralic layers of time. Being a witness to your transformation is a complete gift.
Let's continue to enjoy this gift of life as we dive into the mystery together within my most recent pod episode. . .

Solstice Blessings,

RaMa ☥
