Stars, Stones and Stories

Beloved Sibling of Destiny,

I trust by now you have experienced at least one of the 99 pods of Stars, Stones and Stories. This journey into podcasting has been phenomenal in many ways.

I began crafting these pods for you in May 2020.. For years, I had a dream to start a podcast and always tabled it, saying to myself I will do that when. . .x, y, z. It's amazing how sometimes as creative beings we limit ourselves, thinking we are not worthy to put our medicine out into the world until a particular achievement has been realized.

Can you relate???

In a world shifting dynamically during the 2020 lockdown, I took action, got my first mic, and dove in head first.

Initially, these episodes delved deep into astrology, offering ceremonial guided meditations for the healing we all needed at that time. I've adjusted these offerings to protect my energy, now releasing episodes every other Friday. These snapshots of essential astrological insights still weave with ancestral healing, mythology, and cosmology.

I now offer a private monthly membership to Ma Magick, which contains a beautiful group of individuals who desire to transcend the chaos of these times with depth and community. You may discover more about Ma Magick at this link.

Episode #100 drops this Friday, and I can't wait to share it with you! 

Please, share your thoughts: 

Which episodes have touched your heart? 

What do you love about the pod? 

What would elevate your experience?

Drop me a note below or email [email protected] as I'm all ears.

This community is your opportunity to claim your story, your unique identity and power, knowing that you are the hero of your own journey. 

Infinite blessings,

Ra Ma
