Dragons and dreaming this December

Over the past two months I have found my Soul pulling me into the center of an alchemical cauldron, and even though my mind has attempted to fight this process, I've found a way to let go of the need to control. I have put my podcast on sabbatical and have paused as much as possible, while prioritizing tending to my health, my family and my hearth.


Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are immersed within the season of Samhain, only to go deeper within the depths of the Earth over the next few weeks. 


Mother Nature is urging you to slow down and become quiet and still. This sensation is for the preparation of the Balsamic Moon, Mercury retrograde, and the Black Sun which closes out the Wheel of the Year just before the rebirth of the Winter Solstice. This is a phenomenal time of year to consider all that you have experienced since the December Solstice of 2022. 


You are preparing for a grand transformation, a brand new cycle of creation. 2024 heralds the year of the Dragon and will prove to be an essential year within the fabric of the foundations of the New Earth that we are collectively architecting. 


Yet, the invitation is to not get too ahead of yourself, to instead allow yourself to be here, now.


This exact moment calls for deep rest, rejuvenation, contemplation and a commitment to lay down the structure of daily discipline that will serve you through the great transmutations of 2024.


Knowing that the Dragon Year of 2024 will call each one of us to new heights I believe it is important to be strategic with the month of December. With Saturn direct in Pisces, this is a crucial time to commit to your self mastery. 


For many years I taught up to three Kundalini Yoga classes each week and held regular New Moon and Full Moon workshops. . .all up until the pandemic. As we know, so much has shifted for each one of us in the past four years, and the call to lean into this kundalini technology is reemerging so that a community of strong, resilient and sovereign beings may blossom.


I am extending an invitation for you to circle within sacred space in Elemental Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. We will circle each Thursday from 10-11:30 am EST online. You are welcome to drop in as you schedule permits, or to commit to a monthly membership where you will have access to a growing vault of teachings. The drop in rate is $18/class and you may register at this link OR the monthly membership is $65 and you may commit by clicking this link. Now is the time to heal your nervous system, regulate your breath and free your mind.


If the dreams within you are stirring in regards to the coming Dragon Year and you seek to connect with your divine timing, I encourage you to book a private 1:1 astrological divination session now.


I am offering a very rare flash sale this weekend for 15% off any 1:1 session you book through this link for the month of December with code ILOVEYOU. You will have between now through Monday to book any session to care for yourself in this Holy Day season.

I send you and yours a multitude of blessings and miracles on this Venus Day.

In the Beauty Way,
