3 Grief Clearing Rituals for the Doorways of Your Heart

Venus Day blessings, 


Eclipses are mysterious and powerful, and they open up new dimensions into the fabric of an individual’s life and the culture at large. Eclipses are doorways.


An eclipse season is a potent portal as within a season there will be at least one Solar Eclipse and one Lunar Eclipse. The nodes of fate travel together through the zodiacal wheel, always across from one another in opposing signs. They work together as a unit, moving in 18-19 year cycles. The ramifications of these cycles may contain threads of stories that often last for at least 2 years, or possibly even 18 extending to 36, 54, 72 and beyond.


In contemporary astrology it is safe to say that eclipses tend to mark major events from the births of new concepts and cultures, to the deaths of kingdoms, nations and high profile individuals. Other momentus beginnings and endings come within an Eclipse Season, quite often herradling vast, unexpected shifts. Within an Eclipse Season there will always be some sort of ending and beginning.


You are invited to dive deep within to reflect upon that which is ending for you, and that which is beginning. Often when you stand at a precipice like this, the endings can feel very clear, delineated and certain.


However, the new beginnings may feel more ethereal and less formed. Trust this process, and know that over the next five months, the clarity will come and you will be guided upon where you are headed over the next five years.


3 Simple Grief Clearing Rituals for the Doorways of Your Heart 

At the midpoint of October's two Eclipses you have arrived at this specific sacred moment. The doorways to your heart are open, and I wish to offer you three simple practices you may work with to move the grief that is wishing to be cleared. The most essential step is to name that which you are grieving.


1. Build a shrine or an altar to your grief. This shrine or altar could be purely nature based and live outdoors, or could be something you craft in your home. Gather relics that represent the Elements and are symbols of your grief. Sit and meditate at this altar and allow your tears, your rage, your unspoken words to flow.


2. Stones like carnelian and rose quartz are beautiful movers of grief. Carnelian is my go to grief stone, as this red chalcedony has a law of signature that correlates to the lungs in the body, and allows you to let go. Carnelian heals ancestral ghosts and builds love. Rose quartz also calms the heart and clears anxiety. 


If you are able to connect with these stones in person, you may build a grid of them on and around your body, preferably holding in the palms of your hand, placing over the sacral space, the heart, throat and third eye. Place these stones on your body and lay down with warm layers in silence, or to intentionally select sound healing that will elevate your psyche.


3. Curate a playlist of songs that inspire your connection to your grief and move your heart, body and mind. Prepare the space for ritual, clear and then invoke in the Ancestors by lighting candles, burning incense and anointing yourself with essential oils like rose and spikenard. Allow your body to move and express the grief channels as you dance. You may feel called to cry, wail, scream or move with other sounds in the process to allow the energies to flow.


When complete with any of these rituals step into a warm salt bath laced with oils and your favorite allies. Dunk your head in the water at least three times. Upon exiting the bath massage your body with nourishing oil, drink warm tea and allow yourself to deeply rest.


Trust the process.


If you work with any or all of these rituals, I'd love to hear how you are on the other end. Feel free to hit reply to this message and share your process. Also, feel free to forward this to anyone you feel will benefit.

Infinite Blessings,

Ra Ma ☥