Libra Mercury Retrograde Season: Pause within the Liminal ☿️

Episode 37 of Stars, Stones, and Stories is live. Dive in with me to discover the depths of this Mercury retrograde season and how you may pause within the liminal. Mabon sets into our bones as the leaves begin to shift colors and fall back to the Earth. We gather in the harvest from this immense year of transformation. As the outer planets continue to purify each one of us we are also drawing in the root energy, and this is a great time to indulge in more sleep, rest, and renewal. Mabon is connected to the direction of the West and the element of Water. This is a Water year, a year to overcome obstacles with peaceful persistence, to ultimately shapeshift our way around any perceived limitations.

Mercury Retrograde in Libra

Mercury retrogrades at 25°28' Libra on Monday, September 27th at 1:11 am EDT, however we have been in the front end of the shadow period of this Mercury retrograde since September 7th. Mercury retrogrades every year from three to four times, offering a time to reflect, review, and revise our communications. This year all three Mercury retrogrades happen in air signs, which delineates a greater emphasis on the written and spoken word, travel, and electronic challenges.

The archetype of Mercury rules over how one thinks, analyzes, utilizes intelligence, and all that may be proved through the five senses. Mercury offers a bridge between the realms of Spirit and Matter, as a master of the mind soul connection. The natural ebb and flow of creation of Mercury retrograde may also carve shamanic portals of greater healing in our lives, resourcing from both the conscious and unconscious minds.

Mercury in Libra wishes to communicate through a need to relate and cooperate with others. Therefore this retrograde period is a fantastic time to draw greater harmony and balance in your life. Mercury will station direct on October 18th at 11:17 am and 10°07' Libra, however the shadow period will be complete on November 3rd. 

Last Quarter Moon in Gemini

The Gemini Moon enters the last quarter phase on Tuesday, September 28th. On some level the mission of the Virgo New Moon is complete and now your instincts will begin to intuit a new future. This also may translate as a crisis of consciousness as our previous beliefs and values must be examined. Uranus's long journey through Taurus is continually bringing us into better alignment with our values. Namely, a deeper and more authentic communion with Mother Earth.


Many people are experiencing profound ascension symptoms while simultaneously shedding massive layers of personal and collective grief. The Earth patiently awaits the elevation of her status. She is here to assist each one of us in resurrecting the codes of consciousness. In honor of this medicine, and a proclamation to building community, the wisdom of the stones and crystals, the lunar phases, and the solar gates, I have crafted an experiential course called EarthSeed.

I invite you to fall deeper in love with yourself through a nine week live virtual course EarthSeed, offering essential principles and practices to navigate these radical times. We began this Tuesday and the portal to register officially closes September 28th. Everything is recorded, so it is simple to catch up with us now!