The Radical Earth Revolution is Here

The Radical Earth Revolution is Here
She is We.  She stands for all aspects of life, death and transformation.  She honors all races, genders, creeds, religions, beliefs and possibilities.  There is more than enough for each of us to sit together with tenderness and grace at the table of plenty.  May we find more ways to practice deep listening, to link arms, and to honor each other’s hearts.

Uranus in Taurus is anchoring a new generation of Earth Stewards
Uranus is a higher octave of Mercury, the way we communicate and travel.  The Uranian trickster being is all about change, freedom, rebellion and revolution.  It is the eccentric, the non traditional and the avant-garde. Uranus is the key to our illumination of our super intuitive and genius potential.

With Uranus in Taurus we are moving from yang fire to yin earth, from cardinal energy to fixed energy.  When the outer planets shift into new signs we welcome a new generational thread of light and consciousness.  Uranus brings the sudden and unexpected.  Radical change will emerge over the next 7 years. 

We must remember that Taurus governs finances, abundance, material security, physical safety, the environment, Mother Earth and all of her natural and precious resources.  Earth changes are likely to continue.  Uranus will be shaking the collective awake to shift our values.  Uranus will ask us:

What do we truly value as a culture?  
How may we be better Earth Stewards?  
How do we honor our Earth as the sacred space She is?  
How do we elevate our handling of waste? 
How do we honor the Elemental forces--our relationship with water, air, earth, fire, ether?  

“. . .the highest nature of a woman is expressed through her power, her beauty, her grace, and her capacity to shape and transform humanity.”  ~ Yogi Bhajan 

Taurus ruled by Venus wishes for us to embody beauty.  Venus teaches that human liberty depends upon an intimate relationship to the natural world.  These energetics ask that we begin to master the Art of Living.  Elegance.  Venus teaches that beauty is fierce, invokes sovereignty, freedom, and an urge that we humans cooperate with the land.

Venus in Taurus inspires us to cultivate a practice.  This could include gardening, forest bathing, putting your bare feet in the Earth, giving offerings to Spirit, thanking your ancestors, practicing meditation, drinking lots of water, eating wild green foods, enjoying long walks, a gratitude journal.

Each offering I weave is a prayer to assist you in this journey.  There are only two weeks left to secure your space for Flowering with Fertility retreat at the Wheel of Bliss.  This is going to be a sweet, nurturing and soulful weekend in Hot Springs for us to come together in community.  The truth is we need each other more than ever.  When crafting these weekends, I carefully consider the balance of coming together as a group and having solo integration time, so that you may leave renewed and more inspired about life.  

Spaces are filling up for The Grail and the Goddess pilgrimage.  I continue to receive potent visions about how this pilgrimage will truly be a rebirth, a renewal for each woman. Each day will be an opportunity to honor Water—as within, so without.  True, deep healing is available for each one of us.  As we heal, our lineages heal.  As we heal, our Earth heals.  You may dive into the itinerary here.  

As this new generation is seeded with Uranian new beginnings, may humanity create radical self care as a foundation for the radical Earth Revolution that is growing roots.  May we rise up as passionate, prosperous Earth Stewards in reciprocal generosity to all that is.