Mutual Reciprocity

Despite the Gemini moon on this gorgeous Venus day, I am feeling quiet and called to go within and dream.  Dreams. . .the dreams have been so profound ever since the Sun went into Pisces on Sunday.  Each morning I am waking with the remnants of the dream world so tangible I feel the pulse and touch.

Our collective world continues to show us the massive shedding and shift we are in the midst of.  Violence, deceit, lies and let downs are the headlines.  What is surfacing from the great depths is how incredibly wounded the masculine is on Earth.  In honor of this I offer a poem by the wise poet Robert Bly.  May his work be a healing balm for the masculine in our times.  And may the wise men step up ready to lead in service.

Prayer for My Father

Your head is still

restless, rolling

east and west.

That body in you

insisting on living

is the old hawk

for whom the world


If I am not

with you when you die,

that is just.


It is all right.

That part of you cleaned

my bones more

than once. But I

will meet you

in the young hawk

whom I see

inside both

you and me; he

will guide

you to the Lord of Night,

who will give you

the tenderness

you wanted here.

Ancestral healing is so ripe for these times.  We are all living our own version of a 100 years of solitude (please tell me some of you have read the great Gabriel Garcia Marquez).  The Aquarian lunation we are working within is urging each of us to connect consciously with our lineage.  

Now is the time to love up on the threads of our heritage.  We need to know where we have come from and we need to know where we are going.  Saturn in Capricorn’s charge for diamond mind spiritual maturity asks us to live with mutual reciprocity.  

To give thanks to the Otherworld, to make offerings to the Spirits that support our web of life is imperative.  Our offerings can be song, dance, art, flickering candles lit with intention, sacred scents, tears of grief and joy, our blood and hair, stories we shed, stones, honey, fermented beverages, pure homemade medicine and anything your ancestors loved.  Ultimately all of the Ancestors are all of our Ancestors.    

What is coming to light as we wax towards the Virgo Crow Moon in her full glory next Thursday is that it is time to heal and purify our lineages, to heal and purify our relations, to heal and purify our lives and to heal and purify our temples. Virgo in her highest form is a great celestial mother that sees and knows all with great clarity.  Integrity as a living daily meditation would begin a revolution.  In turn each one of us would be able to show up as a clear channel in service of humanity.  Shall we rise? 

To assist you on the journey, join me for Kundalini Yoga classes each Sunday and Wednesday.  I'm offering the Saturn Sessions for one more week.  And I'm always available for private one on one sessions in person or virtually.  

The details of the Grail and the Goddess pilgrimage to Southern France are almost fully refined!  This journey is fully coming to life and witnessing the magic that is weaving it behind the scenes is humbling.  Please email if you are wishing to journey with us.  Space will be limited and I'm sending a special preview email to my inner circle.  

Venusian blessings,
Ra Ma