mabon πŸƒπŸ‚πŸƒ

As day and night find equal balance, and harvest finds it’s completion we welcome Mabon.  We welcome the polarities of light and dark, young and old, feminine and masculine, yin and yang, conscious and unconscious.  

The days shorten and now we begin to make preparations for winter.  However before we prepare for Winter’s descent, this is the time to stop and adjust.  The Equinox heralds Libra season and we greet the archetype of the diplomat, the peacekeeper, the seeker of justice, the mediator, the lover and the judge.  This is the one sign of the twelve of the zodiac where the glyph is not a creature, instead we are met with the scales.  Libra also invokes the Egyptian goddess of justice Maat.  

Libra is ruled by one of my favorite planets, Venus.  A guiding force of values, art, form, shape, beauty and color, Venus is a sister to Earth.  She teaches about self love and self worth and what we value while Libra elevates this into the committed relationship.  Libra asks How do we consider one another?  And how may we collaborate and cooperate more harmoniously?   

We can invite these questions into our lives as a living prayer.  Perhaps you begin within and ask these questions in regards to your relationship with Self.  And then you begin to ask these questions in regards to how you show up for those whom you are closest to?  And on a higher octave how do we relate and cooperate with humanity as a whole?

My family and I have been celebrating Rosh Hoshanna, the Jewish New Year for the past two days and nights.  This is the time of year where some mythologies tell of the birth of the Earth.  We eat apples and honey to welcome the sweetness of life and the sweetness of that which we will create in the year to come.  We also create intentions for the next year ahead, while taking stock of where we have come.  This is a beautiful time to reflect on all you have accomplished in the past year.  How have you stretched and grown?  

And we must also acknowledge all of the intensity our Earth has been bubbling up the past few weeks, months and years.  Many, many people are struggling.  So many have lost homes and everything they had, even family members.  To sit with the polarity of the light and the dark of life can be intense, and yet it is necessary.

May you use this time to observe the extremes in your life and find a way to invoke balance, celebrating justice and equality.  As we balance between dark and light, feminine and masculine, yin and yang may you hold steady a vision for peace, bounty and prosperity for all.

Mabon blessings