🌕 Full Moon, Full Light of Consciousness 🌕

The depths of Samhain have pulled me within.  I have been enjoying time away from social media and my ezine to expand my own study, practices and healing.  These days I've been geeking out with astrology and having so much fun learning.  The waves of expansion have felt nourishing to my soul.  We have some fierce forces coming our way with a Full Moon in Gemini on Sunday at 10:47 am EST and a Mercury retrograde 12/3-12/22.  As a Gemini I am always in love with the Gemini Full Moon as it is a power portal for me. 

That being said, this Full Moon is Full ON!  The asteroid Pandora is on the Sun opposing the Full Moon.  Essentially much will be coming to the surface in the realms of truths, consciousness, information, ideas and facts.  Light will be shed on all of this deep soul work we've been doing and this Mercury retrograde will give us an opportunity to heal some deep, old, karmic wounds that are up for clearing.  Clearing the old is essential for our cosmic evolution, so sit with that which is uncomfortable, breathe and observe with a willingness to shift. 

At the Bend of Ivy we will slow down, honor Yule also known as Winter Solstice, practice Kundalini yoga and meditation, eat nourishing prepared foods and drink warm teas all in sacred sisterhood.  We will have lots of time for deep council and rich ceremony.  And we will dive into the archetype of Inanna and her myth and story.  This will be our time to renew and rebirth. 

Full Lunation blessings.