You are Beautiful

Spring is just days away and I am amazed at the miracles of life popping out of the ground.  I am also here to offer you many ways to upgrade your system as we continue to traverse this eclipse portal and beyond, so please scroll down for the workshops that are coming up and my current class schedule. 

Today at West Asheville Yoga we are diving into the breast moon center.  This moon center is all about nurturing--nurturing self and nurturing others. . . which has me thinking about radical self care.  

How can you radically offer yourself care?  What does that even mean?  What I am learning is that in the moment, you truly begin to listen to your heart center, that place in you that is 108 times more powerful than our brilliant sun.  So if you are feeling hungry, you get up and feed yourself healthy nourishing food.  If you are feeling tired, you lay down and rest, even if that means putting off your work.  And if you feel like you need to move your body, you get up and you move it.  

The reality is that our bodies are highly intelligent and sending us so many signals as to what we need.  We just have to remember how to listen to them--which often requires burning through a haze of self deception.  When we can offer ourselves radical self care, we can begin to radically take care of others and our Earth.

Eclipses can energize you and deplete you.  These are great times to take extra magnesium salt baths, go for long walks in the fresh air, allow the sunshine to bathe your body and consider adding more greens into your diet as we emerge into Spring.