Virgo New Moon

This weekend we welcome the Virgo New Moon on Sunday September 9th at 2:02 pm EST.  This New Moon will take us down to our roots where we may nourish the heritage of who we are.  As we activate the healer within, we have the ability to go deep into our ancestral memories to honor and replenish our truest selves.  After a summer of intense astrology including many retrogrades and three eclipses, this lunation wish us to go deep and get divine with the insights we received.  Retrograde season surely shined a light on where you could make some shifts in your life and this Virgo New Moon is in support of that.

There is a grand earth trine in this chart which will help you anchor new habits as we begin to shift into the season of Fall.  Venus is in the shadow of her retrograde which goes into affect October 5th, so already, deep within the consciousness of self, we may be questioning where our values align in our lives.  Venus is always curious about that which we cultivate here on Earth.  What culture are we buying into with our energy, time and monetary bank?  And does this culture represent our highest belief system?

This time of year is so special as we open the gates of the High Holy Days.  On Sunday night we welcome Rosh Hoshanna, the Jewish New Year.  This is a time of assessing who we are and how we show up in the world.  It is a time to offer great gratitude for this gift of life and to celebrate.  We enjoy the harvests of the garden, eat apples dipped in local honey to ensure the sweetness of life as we greet our community who bears witness to our unique passage through time and space.

I invite all who identify as woman to join a sisterhood in sovereign sanctuary on the night of the Dark Moon in honor of this Virgo New Moon.  We will meet tomorrow evening from 5:30-8:30 pm in my temple living room.  And for those who are wishing to go deeper, the call to join the second spiral of the Adi Shakti Coven is officially here.  

The Adi Shakti Coven was birthed in 2018 as a wisdomkeeper's collective to assist each one of us to fall deeper in love with the Earth.  As we embark upon this journey we obtain self knowledge, ancestral wisdom and elemental insights.  The Adi Shakti Coven Second Spiral begins this October, where we meet each New Moon virtually and come together in person about every 6 weeks to honor the Solar Gates and the Cross Quarter Holidays which include Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane and Midsummer.  You may learn more about the Adi Shakti Coven here.  

May this Virgo New Moon and the portals that are seeded this weekend nourish you and your lineage in a deep and true way.  If you live in the Asheville area, please join me this Sunday 4-5:30 for a special Women's Kundalini Yoga and Meditation class at West Asheville Yoga in honor of the Virgo New Moon.