the Great Celestial Healer

As we approach the Virgo Full Supermoon which is exact Tuesday, February 19th at 10:53 am EST I wish to share with you an archetype of Virgo that is rarely spoken of, the Great Celestial Healer. Virgo often gets written off as neurotic, analytical, pessimistic and nitpicking.

However an elevated way of seeing Virgo is in her sovereign purity and the why behind that which she strives for. Virgo sees e v e r y t h i n g. Yogi Bhajan said to Virgos, you see everything and everyone naked, just don't tell them. Next Tuesday on the Supermoon the Great Celestial Healer will align with the Shaman of the Zodiac, Chiron, who will have just anchored into Aries. These two interstellar healers are offering us potent medicine.

Chiron in Aries will bring a Return for those born in 1968-1977. Chiron Return is the final of the four midlife activation transits that intend to purify each and every human so that they may live within their heart and authenticity. With Chiron in Aries we are moving into uncharted territory.

Chiron in Aries wishes for you to pioneer your wildest dreams into reality, to express your gifts with courage, to allow instincts and intuition to guide your way forward, to truly live authentically with the body as the Holy Temple. Chiron will offer each one of us a rebirth of identity, a soul retrieval.

The earthy Supermoon in Virgo will allow each one of us to witness all of the places within and without that need realigning. Where can we clear space in our lives to allow more magic to pour forth?

This Full Moon is conjunct Regulus, the Heart of the Lion in the Leo constellation, amplifying our courage, ambition and royal selves.  With the Milk Moon Mercury and Neptune pair up with a flowing energy to Venus conjunct Saturn. These four planets will create an alignment of spirituality, compassion, healing, and deep insights into the mystical realms.

Therefore this Full moon is a beneficial time to tap into the dream realm, work with divination and ceremony.  Even though we will be in the shadow of Mercury retrograde, you may also use this Full moon to get projects off the ground, especially if you planted seeds for them around the New Moon. 

May this initiation into a new shamanic journey and the revelation of the Virgo Milk Moon be of great benefit for you and your lineage.  In honor of the potency I wish to share this poem by Sappho: 

Awed by her splendor

Stars near the lovely
moon cover their own
bright faces 

when she
is roundest and lights
earth with her silver