I believe in you

Venus Day Blessings dear One,

Welcome February!  Last night I recorded the forecast for the moonth of February for the Cosmic Collective, and I have to say, I am very much looking forward to this month ahead.  If you are interested in virtual Kundalini yoga, meditation, breathwork practices and astrological support, you may join the Cosmic Collective here.  In February we are blessed with some beautifully rich spiritual opportunities of transmissions straight from the cosmos that are also rooted in the 3d.  This means we may ground and anchor our dreams to Mother Earth!

Tomorrow evening we gather in the Dark of the Moon in honor of the Aquarius New Moon. This moonth we find ourselves welcoming in the genius solutions available with the energetics of Aquarius. This New Moon is sweet and special, an opportune time to move forward major manifestation.  There are still a few spaces available to join us for our Womxn's Wisdom Circle.

This year we welcome Solar Imbolc with the Aquarius New Moon on Monday, February 4th at 4:04 pm EST.  Imbolc is also known as Candlemas, Brigids Day, Imolg and is known as the Winter Cross Quarter.  This is the Festival of Earth Awakening. 

We are working with our abilities to manifest while remembering our intuitive wisdom and all we have gained from our descent into the Underworld and our play with the Otherworld.  The days are lengthening.  It is cold and yet, buds form on trees.  The signs that the Earth are stirring are found within Nature.  This is a time to prepare inwardly for the transformation ahead.  Divination, candle gazing, scrying and clairvoyance are potent during this season.   Call upon your guides, spirit protectors and healthy ancestors for support. They can only assist if you ask!

Where I am most at home is in the heart of the Nature, frolicking with the unseen realms.  In these spaces I feel witnessed.  I feel a connection to the realms beyond time and space.  I imagine maybe you too feel like this?

I'll be honest, putting myself out in the ways that I do through social media, the Venusian Love Notes, and my other offerings offers a true push-pull within my psyche.  There is a large part of me that wishes to disconnect from all technology, find my sacred Land to nest upon and to merge with the Otherworld.  The reality is that we have real work to do on behalf of our lineages, humanity and Mother Earth.

So I rise up in solidarity with you to this Call!  Dear human family, can we do this work with authenticity, sobriety, spiritual integrity, creativity and kindness?  When we lift up one, we lift up all.  There is plenty for each of us at the table of of the Great Mother.   We are here to unite, not to compete.  We are here to love, not to fear.

This year of 2019 is all about integrity.  The way forward is not easy, however it is time to blossom in our Truth.  As we move deeper into the Age of Aquarius, each one of us becomes more subtle.  Our impeccable actions are needed more than ever.  I believe in you.

Let's make some magick happen!

In the beauty way,
Ra Ma