The Cosmic Egg

Our transition into Spring has been intensely healing.  You’ve most likely looked some of your greatest wounds in relation to Source square in the eye, and perhaps endured them in your body too.  The hermaphrodite messenger god is visiting the Underworld as we are sealing our Chiron cycle in Pisces. This retrograde Mercury is working hand in hand with both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn to teach us about power, control and authority in our lives, offering many opportunities to test our anger, rage, will and vitality.  In addition solar flares have been affecting our energetic and physical bodies.

The season of rebirth and renewal is upon us. As we consider this Mercury retrograde and completion of Chiron in Pisces cycle, deep healing is available to each one of us.  Each of these shifts ultimately lead us to Self Mastery.  

The egg is a symbol of rebirth and fertility in Nature.  We may meditate on the Cosmic Egg of Life, which represents the masculine and the feminine, light and dark, expansion and contraction, conscious and unconscious, continuity and balance.  Potential, seed and promise are ripe.

The Earth is awakening and we may consider geomancy, also known as the meridians of energy that run through the Earth. These meridians can be referred to as dragon paths, ley lines or fairy lines.  The dragon is a power animal, that teaches through love, how to follow your own path with courage. They force you to grow into your destiny and duties, from a lower plane to a higher plane of mastery. 

As you continue on your great dharmic journey of self mastery in this season of Spring, this is a lovely time to shed the things you no longer need, to let go and to make space for all that you are passionate about.  

Inviting more green foods into your diet is essential to move the liver from Winter. With the Chiron completion in Pisces, Mercury retrograde and a few more days of solar flares this is an ideal time to meditate, practice pranayam, spend time alone, day dream and heal.  Cold showers, baths and drinking lots of live water will assist with your integration.

To continue on course, you may remind yourself, I welcome all profound blessings