The Magic of living with Lunar Cycles

As we begin this week the moon continues to wane.  On Wednesday we reach the dark moon-- a powerful time to go within to intention your new visions.  I hold Women’s Wisdom Circles on the Dark Moon to create a space for women to gather and weave magic in community.  Thursday as we wake, we greet the New Moon in Virgo.  A New Moon allows for creation of a new outlook, a new way of being.

The Moon regulates the tides of the planet and the tides of every water based being on Earth.  Since time immemorial farmers have used moon to plant their crops.  The Moon moves through the constellations of the zodiac once every 29 ½ days.  

The moon relates to the underworld--the journey of going deep into the psyche.  Timing is everything--it’s about working with the laws of nature, the laws of the cosmos.  Working with the moon will assist you on every level of your health and your ability to manifest your greatest dreams.  

Your biofeedback moves from New Moon to Full Moon and Full Moon to New Moon.  The deeper you dive into the glandular system with the cycles of the Moon, the deeper you create your own healing.  A practice like Kundalini Yoga assists one in activating their glandular system in rhythm with the moon.   

The New Moon is the time to hold your seeds close to your heart, whisper your prayers into them and carefully pull back your soil as you set these seeds close to the Earth.  You cover the soil lovingly and water with tenderness.  As the moon builds, you allow these intentions to grow.  You continue to work your craft while allowing the waxing energy of the moon to build up these dreams.  This is a great time to build and renew patterns, ideas and consciousness into your life.  

As the moon becomes Full, everything is illuminated.  The Full Moon is an excellent time to deepen your meditation practice.  This is also a great time to look intently at your visions from the New Moon and gain insight on what is working and what is not.  You will see clearly what weeds to pull from your garden and what to continue to nourish for the next lunar cycle.  

During the waning moon the energy decreases day by day.  This is the time to reflect and consolidate your energy.  You may look at habits that are no longer working and see how you are ready to release them.  This is also a great time to clean your closets, purge your house, work space, relationships, and habitual thought patterns.  

The more you release, the more space you create for the birth of the Moon, the next cycle.  As we reclaim our spirituality, our rewilding--tuning into the lunar cycles allows us to connect to our own magic.